Description of the project

Unemployment, especially youth unemployment, is one of the biggest challenges contemporary Europe is facing in a constantly changing labor market: statistical data say that in Europe seventy million people do not have adequate basic and transversal skills. The 8 Key Competences, which Europe conceives as the basis for lifelong learning, define a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that individuals need for personal development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. Among these, the spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship (understood as an entrepreneurial mind-set) plays a fundamental role in the best employability of young people and adults, but at the same time communication in foreign languages, digital competence, learning to learn, social competence, civic and mobility education, represents another fundamentals requirements in the scenario of the European labor market. Young students, particularly those at risk of marginalization in conditions of social or economic disadvantage, often perceive themselves without personal development power and suffer from a low level of self-esteem and self-efficacy in managing their training, life situations and work. These premises, common to all the organizations involved in the proposal, have created the need to learn and adopt innovative practices for entrepreneurship education, improving the training offer addressed to young people between 16-20 years old. The project proposes the exchange of good practices between teachers and trainers in the sense of creating new approaches to the training path that help improve students’ skills and stimulate their motivation to learn. It is therefore intended to offer this target the opportunity to promote and enhance basic skills, personal, social and organizational skills. Best4Ent intends to implement an exchange of good practices between training bodies in order to implement a pilot course accompanied by a manual, so-called Handbook, addressed to educators and trainers who, at various levels, deal with professional training and youth education. The intent is to stimulate entrepreneurship and communication skills, the integration and active citizenship of young students, including those in disadvantaged conditions, by proposing a model that can be replicated and transferred to various realities.


The general objectives pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme in the strategic partnerships supporting exchange of a good practices in the VET field are:

IAllow organisations to develop and reinforce networks, increase their capacity to operate at a transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods.

Enhancing access to training and qualifications for all, with a particular attention to the low-skilled, through continuing VET, notably by increasing quality, supply and accessibility of continuing VET, validation of non-formal and informal learning, promoting work-place learning, providing for efficient and integrated guidance services and flexible and permeable learning pathways.

Supporting the uptake of innovative approaches and digital technologies for teaching and learning, as outlined in the Digital Education Action Plan, including the effective use of the SELFIE self-reflection tool to support a comprehensive approach to innovation, and the use of digital technologies for pedagogical, administrative, technical and organizational change;

Introducing systematic approaches to, and opportunities for, the initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings(including apprenticeships), including through the development of effective digital, open and innovative education and pedagogies, as well as practical tools;

Developing sustainable partnerships to establish and/or further develop national, regional and sectorial skills competitions organizations, as a form of raising the attractiveness and excellence in VET. These partnerships could also develop and support the arrangements for the preparation, training and participation of VET learners and staff in international, national.